Pripyat Music School
This is the Pripyat Music School on the Kurchatova street. This building used to be full of music, with several...
Schools, kindergartens and other education related places in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
This is the Pripyat Music School on the Kurchatova street. This building used to be full of music, with several...
Школа Чернобыль-2 This is the secondary school in the small town Chernobyl-2. The town was build to house the families...
Городское профессионально-техническое училище № 8 Припять The City Vocational Technical School № 8 in Pripyat, was a secondary school. It...
Детский сад № 10 «Чебурашка» Припять This is Kindergarten № 10 Cheburashka, located in the 5th microdistrict of the city...
Припять Средняя школа № 3 Before the Chernobyl disaster, five schools provided general secondary education in Pripyat. Pripyat Secondary School...
лаборатории «Радэк» Припять This kindergarten on the northern side of Pripyat was reconverted to a contaminated soil research laboratory named...
Детский сад № 13 «Золотая рыбка» Припять Kindergarten № 13 Goldfish is one of Pripyat’s many abandoned preschool buildings. It...
Детский сад № 7 «Золотой Ключик» Припять Kindergarten № 7 Golden Key, or Zolotoj Kluchik, is one of Pripyat’s many...
Детский сад Копачи Kopachi village is located four kilometer south of the Chernobyl Power Plant. Its kindergarten lies on the...
ПМК-169 детский сад молодых комсомольцев This is the Komsomol Kindergarten in ПМК-169, a district of the village Novoshepelichi situated just...
Припять средняя школа № 5 Pripyat Secondary School № 5 is one of the five secondary schools in the atom...
Припять средняя школа № 2 Pripyat Secondary School № 2 is one of the five secondary schools in the city...
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