Vocational Technical School № 8 Pripyat
Городское профессионально-техническое училище № 8 Припять

The City Vocational Technical School № 8, in Pripyat, was a secondary school. It was specialized for training of skilled workers in professions that require an advanced educational level.
The kids of Pripyat and surrounding villages were admitted to this technical school after nine years of basic education, or eleven years basic secondary education. The usual entering age for students was 16. They could study at the school from 1 to 5 years. The Pripyat students, or pupils, lived in a dormitory next door.
The Vocational Technical School was a standard school in pre-revolutionary Russia and in the countries of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Here in Pripyat, students on this school were trained to work in construction as well as technical staff. After graduation, they could work directly on the construction of Pripyat and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station. The institution provided bricklayers, plasterers, welders, electricians ad many more technical professions.
In 1974, there were, 6028 vocational education institutions in the USSR, and the number of students was 3 million. In 1981, this number exceeded 7 thousand, and the number of students was 3.6 million.
After the Chernobyl disaster and the evacuation of residents, liquidators worked in the vocational school building. As a result, you can see many details for dosimetry equipment and related literature scattered on the floor.